
What is Bmp-1?



The BMP-1 is a Soviet amphibious troop carrier. It was introduced in 1967. It was armed with a bore gun and AT-3 Sagger. It could seat eight passengers in addition to the three crew members. The passengers could fire out of small holes about large enough for the muzzle of an AZ47 while inside the BMP-1 through small holes on the sides.

Type: amphibious APC

Dimensions: length 6750mm; width 2920mm; height 1470mm

Speed: land 55km/h; water 8 km/h

Range: 500 km

Weapons: 73mm smooth-bore gun with 40 rounds, AT03 Sagger ATGW launcher, 7.62PKT (co-axial) with 1000 rounds

The BMP-1 drove across the Siberian snow to reach Markovo, a remote town in the Russian state, Kamchatke.


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