Boburt Marlain

What is Boburt Marlain?


The icon of Ska. Like Bob Marley for Reggae and Kurt Cobain for rock, Boburt Marlain the same day Marley and Cobain did, and on his death day, decided to spawn Ska. Like the two well known idols, he is dead too, and is known by many as the fusion of Marley and Cobain, though he claims no relation to either of them.

SkaFan:"Man, I was rockin' out to Reel Big Fish last night when I heard a subliminal message referring to Boburt Marlain!"

SomeGuy:"Isn't Marlain dead, and aren't subliminal messages just that... subliminal?"

SkaFan:"Shutup, hater!"

See ska, rock, reggae, music, pop culture


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