
What is Boden?


when something is boden, it means something is really fucking cool.

Chris: Was it boden?

Jesus: Nah, it was only bodenesque.


means "awesome" or "great" not gay or anything of that such

thats hard-core boden


When your Penis is extrodinarly huge.

That 80 year old man had a mega raging boden.

See kumlin, toblerone, shildo


some one with a massive arse

wow her arse is huge

ye its a real boden

See boden, big bum, big ass, big


An extremely fat joint.

Holy shit, Johannes just rolled the hugest fucking Boden.

Dude, Brad's got greens on the Boden this time.

Jay put too much weed in the Boden, we gotta re-roll this bitch.

See champion, fatty, marijuana, weed, joint


The act of fucking a severed head through the mouth down into the oesophagus and repeating the action until ejaculating.

"Oh Sylvia, theres nothing better than waking up in the morning and giving your head a good Boden" exclaimed Edward in a heightened sense of climactic ecstasy.

See boden, james, dick, bodean


comes from german

it means "dirt" or "path"

also means "really fucking cool"

or "gayness"

see prev definitions.

See boden


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