
What is Bodger?


1. Anyone who creates objects (machines, vehicles, buildings , etc.) from a mishmash of found or improvised materials

2. An expert in bodging: bodge

3. An unorthodox hobbyist or artist whose body of work has been hobbled together from garbage or materials used in ways that deviate from their intended pupose

Every bodger knows that PVC pipe and duct tape are two most important resources on Earth.

You can commonly find bodgers in their natural habitat: hardware stores, dumpsters, and junkyards.

See hacker, dumpster diving, boger, maker


A person who lives in a mobile hut in the woods, cuts down trees then turns them into chair legs using string lathes. Originates from South Bucks where bodgers used to supply High Wycombe with wood for the furniture industry.

"Me dad's grandad was a bodger in Hellbottom Wood back in the day."

See wood, furniture, chair, boger


1. Relating to something crap.

2. Speaking in a deep retarded voice for no reason

1. "Yeah that Thai food last night was a bit Bodger"

2. "Stop talking to me in that Bodger voice"


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