
What is Bodhi?


Short for Bodhisattva, from the Sanskrit meaning "enlightenment-being." Bodhi is the character played by Patrick Swayze in the movie classic "Point Break." He leads a group of rebellious, thrill-seeking surfers who rob banks while dressed in the masks of former presidents. He constantly battles his adversary and protagonist in the film, Johnny Utah, who is played by Keanu Reeves (a shitty actor).

"Little hand says it's time to rock and roll." -Bodhi



A person who usually sweats at anything and everywhere

"Whoa, did you see that Bodhi today?"

"Yeah I reckon he sweated after about 10 seconds after getting outside!"


See sweat, yuck, argh


1. Freakishly ugly

2. Too ugly for words; causes head to explode.

3. Wrath of god's hatred on one man.

Watch out bodhi is comin ahahahaha!!


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