
What is Bog?


a toilet

i neeta go to the Bog

See Brother Number One


Bög means gay/homosexual in swedish.

"Du är bög", means "You are gay".

See bög, gay


The process of refusing to believe any logical thought/reasoning and create a theory based on no hard facts. The theory is usualy based on a forum post or a paragraph someone once read which was meaningless and untrue. Even if hard facts are presented to discourage the bog theory or totally falsify it, the individual refuses to accpet the truth.

Bog1 "Larry David is gay, i once read something somewhere about him being gay, therefore he's gay.

Bog2 "The correct English is not 'must have' it's 'must of', i just read a post on the internet which contained it.

Bog3 "Time doesn't exist, no as in i've built up a theory based on all the knowledge i've gathered over time and even though all logical reasoning proves that it is false, i continue to try and prove otherwise.

See bog, box, script


NASDAT speak, from A Clockwork Orange, meaning God.

'...But suddenly, I viddied that thinking was for the gloopy ones, and that the oomny ones use like, inspiration and what Bog sends. Now it was lovely music that came into my aid. There was a window open with the stereo on, and I viddied right at once what to do.'

See god, clockwork, nasdat, slang, orange


To bust ass, or let a particularly "ripe one" loose.

After eating chili and hard boiled eggs for lunch, phil bogged in class and cleared the room.

See ass, bust, ripe, gas, shit


big 'ol girl

meaning: Your gay male friend who emanates femininity.

I went out Saturday night with the high school quarterback just to find out he was a bog.

See effeminate, flamboyant, nelly, flamer


God. From "A Clockwork Orange"

Good Bog! What have you done?


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