
What is Bogart?


(slang verb) To keep something all for oneself, thus depriving anyone else of having any. A slang term derived from the last name of famous actor Humphrey Bogart because he often kept a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, seemingly never actually drawing on it or smoking it. Often used with weed or joints but can be applied to anything.

"Don't bogart that blunt man, pass that over here!"


To keep a spliff to oneself to oneself, especially while hanging from your mouth. From actor Humphrey Bogart's trademark cigarettes, held in lips or hand, but rarely actually smoked.

Hey, Bogart! Pass the joint.


v. To hog something which is supposed to be shared, e.g., a bone or controller.

n. A person who bogarts

n. The act of bogarting.

Quit bogarting the j, foo. Pass that sucka.


Verb. To selfishly hold on to something. Jocular usage heard amongst smokers of marijuana.

Come on Frank! Don't bogart that joint, we all want to get stoned sometime tonight.


To hog; to take something considered common property and not share with others

Dude, don't bogart the nachos!


To selfishly control something, refuse to share.

We all paid for it for crying out loud, quit bogarting the keg!


Humphrey Bogart smoked all those cigarettes. He died from lung cancer. When you hang onto a joint and let it burn without sharing, you look like Bogart with his perennial smoke dangling from his lips. The term had no popularity until it became a hit song in the 1970's.

Don't Bogart That Joint

Lyrics: Lawrence Wagner

Music: Elliot Ingber

Played by Little Feat's Paul Barrere and Bill Payne with Phil & Friends. The original verson (on the soundtrack of "Easy Rider") was by Fraternity Of Man. It was subsequently covered by Little Feat.


Don't bogart that joint my friend

Pass it over to me

Don't bogart that joint my friend

Pass it over to me

Roll another one

Just like the other one

You've been holding on to it

And I sure will like a hit


Roll another one

Just like the other one

That one's burned to the end

Come on and be a real friend


See joint, roaches


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