
What is Bogie?


Cigarette. Taken from screen actor Humphrey Bogart who was often seen smoking in his films.

Yo man, can I bum a bogie?



you got an extra bogie?



rolled up tobacco

Wanna go smoke a bogie...mike f?

See alisa


A common term used in irvington, new york.

meaning: cigarette

"Yo, do you got any bogies left, lemme get one"

See cigarette, stoner, irvington, tobacco, po po


Term used in the Air Force, an unknown aerial target, one that hasn't been identified as friendly or hostile because of range, weather, or other reasons.

It is never a good idea to assume the worst and engage bogies without IFF (Identify Friendly or Foe), you could end up shooting down a friendly.

Pilot 1: Bogies six o'clock!!

Pilot 2: Copy that! (Split S away)

Pilot 1: What's their ID? Over!

Pilot 2: Confirmed F-15 spike, they are friendlies, over!

Pilot 1: Roger that, return to formation!

See bogies, bogie, boogie, boggie, bogy



"bogie smoking"

See cigar, smoke, vaporizer


Mucus from your nose.

Sometimes I wipe my bogie on my clothes or stick it to the wall, but if it's matured enough I use it as a flicking missile on my sister.

See bogey, snot, bogee


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