
What is Boh?


Please disregard the half informed definition related to drum and bass that was posted below.

From the source of jungle/dnb lingo, the Junglist Dictionary:

Bo! - Simulated gunshot. When a tune is big, say this loud if you want a rewind. In Jamaica, people used to fire blanks all the time when a tune was big.

For a definition of rewind, see the Junglist Dictionary you lazy bastards.

*DJ drops a Britney Spears remix*


*DJ drops a hot fuckin tune*


*DJ drop kicks AK1200 in the face*

"BOH! BOH! BOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


BOH! is a simulated gun shot noise, used as a positive vocal response to a big tune or massive bassline in the 'drum & bass / jungle' (electronic dance music genre) community.

The term originates from the Jamaican/Reggae culture where a gunshot was used to signal/call a rewind of a big tune. Now, yelling BOH! or BWOH! is a common vocalization used to affirm the selections/sound of the Selectah/DJ.

Drum & Bass MC shouts at a party, "If you want the rewind let me hear you say BOH!" Crowd responds in unison, "BOH!"

Trainspotter standing all night with his arms folded right in front of the DJ booth finally hears an exclusive dubplate he recognizes, yells "BOH SELECTAH!" - and promptly raises his lightah!

See boh!, jungle, mc, mcs, gunshot, dancehall, jamaica


italian word used to say 'i dont know'.

It's the same as 'Meh'.

1. what are u going to do dis afternoon, nigga?

2. Boh!

See meh, boh, italy, nigga


BOH - Back of House

refered to in the live sound production industries.

the house mixer is positioned in the back of the house to view the entire stage for a better mix.

Tom was running the BOH mixer while Will covered the monitor mixes.

See boh, mixer, sound


It's an italian espression used when someone is given to reply to a question but doesn't know the answer.

- What are you gonna do tonight, fuckbucket ?

· boh.


Belly Over Hang. when you have too much gut and too tight pants.

'check out the ginormous boh on that chick'


Shorthand for "Bag Over Head" which refers to a girl with a hot body but an ugly face.

Guy 1: Damn, look at that ass! And those tits.... daaaaayyyyyuuummmmm!

Guy 2: Woah shit, she got some buck-ass teeth, man, and a lazy eye!

Guy 1: Oh, she's a BOH, just put a brown paper bag over her head.

Guy 1 and 2: Hehehehehehehehehe.....


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