What is Bolex?
1. a mans testicles
2. expression -'oh-no'
3. an insult
4. telling a person that they are lying (watever)
5. a compliment
other known spellings- bollocks, bollex, bolocks, bowlock, bowlecks, bollecks, bolox and bollox
1. "im gonna kick him in the bolex!"
2. "it isnt working" "bolex!"
3. go suck cock u bolex-ass-shit
4. "i cant come tonight, im ill"- "bolex u are ill!"
5. "awww u shouldnt of done this, u crazy lil bolex u!"
pubic hair that goes up to your navel
RenatoTanJr. forgot to wear his shirt, his bolex is exposed
n. the line of hair that runs from the belly button leading down to the pubes, aka treasure trail
Bryan's BOLEX makes Tim's mangina wet.
Meaning a bullshit rolex
in essence, a fake rolex or folex, Bought of the streetz for 5+ bucks.
Man 1 : "how much for a watch?"
Man 2: "20 bucks takes it all!"
Man 1: "What! a bolex for 20! Thats whack!"