What is Bollox?
Irish/UK/possibly also Australian slang term meaning:
3)slightly affectionate term of abuse
alternate spellings:
1) Aaargh right in the bollox!
2) What a load of bollox...
3) AAgh you made me spill my drink, ye little bollox!
An alternative spelling of
Other alternates are: bºllºx and b*ll*x which can be typed on internet forums where language is restricted for
Actually, The Album Never Mind the Bollocks, here's the Sex Pistols was the at the centre of a UK court case which ruled that the word was not obscene.
Not to be confused with "The Bollox" or "The Dog's Bollox" both of which signify approval.
Person: "Bollox, bollox, bollox!"
Pig : "I'm arresting you for using threatening and/or abusive words or behaviour, contarary to the public order act."
Person: "Bollox! It's been proved in court not to be obscene."
Pig: "I don't care. It is, in my estimation, 'likely to cause offence' and that's all I need. You're nicked."
Person: "Oh, Bollox."
Person: "Mate, my
brief got me off that public order charge, she's the bollox!"
Mate: "The dog's!"
That undisputed descriptive word of a persons disatisfaction with a situation that may or may not be going their way.Or indeed someone full of bull sh*t.
Used the world over by English guys while visiting foreign shores.
what do you think of Bush's second term and his foreign policies - what a load of bollox.
I reckon that I can get my end away with your mother, I have a thing about older women - bollox
A variation of the word
"I kissed five girls last night!"
"Bollox! I haven't got enough money to get home!"
Irish:####, crap, nuts, arse, feck etc.
My use: anything good or bad (similar to'#### me, thats great!/thats #####!')
literal:ouch!my bollox!
Irish:that is just bollox!
My use:bollox!thats great!
other:you can go suck my bollox if you dont like this
mans testicles, or something that you find is total CRAP!
Now thats bollox that is.And I dont give two fucking hairy bollox wot you think!!!!! You Slaaaaaaaaaaags!