
What is Bombed?


to do really poorly on something

I bombed both midterms and I didn't study for the final - I'm looking forward to taking that class again next semester

See F

2. be drunk or high on drugs do really poorly on something

A boy who was in DARE class whispered to his friend.

Boy: "Ready to get bombed after this?"

DARE officer: "What was that!?"

Boy: "I said 'I really bombed on your quiz'!"

DARE officer: "Oh, well study harder next time."

See drunk, high, smashed, loaded, wasted, stoned, chocolate box


To get really high or stoned

God damn man im so fuckin bombed


drunk off ya ass

The best was to enjoy a club, get bombed before ya get there.


a special state of inebriation in which privileged members of society can go unbothered by the authorities

Police Officer: Do you realize you were going 100 in a 50 zone?

Rich Drunk: Sorry, officer, but I'm BOMBED!

Police Officer: Oh, okay sir. Drive carefully.

See drunk, privilege, special, entitlement, escape


Bombed means to get really drunk

Let's go get bombed tonight!

See meg


getting totally drunk out of your face that you can't remember anything that happened the next morning. or to fail something horribly

I was so bombed last night i dont remember a thing

i was too bombed to drive home

i bombed that test yesterday

See wasted, drunk, trashed, baked, plastered


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