
What is Bombida?


1. Term used when someone gets completely and utterly dominated to amplify the ownage.

2. Shouted after someone makes a fool out of a (usually) unsuspecting person, preferably a toolbag.

3. Used by noobswho wish they were as awesome as me as to create something as incredible as the bombida.

1. a) "I just one-shottedthat noob with my sulfuras, bombida."

b) "Oh my god, you just spit in that guy's mouth, bombida."

c) "Nigga you got the plague! BOMBIDA!"

2. a)

John: "Your mom is fat."

David: "Your mom had unprotected sex with Michael Jackson."

John: "..."

David: "BOMBIDA!"


Alexor: "You're so black"

William: "You love UGBS"

Mitchell: "BOMBIDA!"

3. "bombida bombida bombida bombida bombida bombida"

See ownage, owned, toolbag, noob, idiot


Bombida was once a native language to central Asia. In 1487, the Bombidians of Asia migrated to western Africa. The speakers of Bombida made a small town there, with a population of approximately 5,200 people. The Bombidians rapidly spread through out areas of Africa and most of them ended up abandoning the language of Bombida. Over the duration of the 1500s, the remaining Bombidians began to die out from poor civilization and lack of proper care. The language has been nearly forgotten, but there is still a small population of 800 speaking it in central Asia. The remains of their established civilization in Western Africa (apprximately 300 people) still speaks Bombidian.The language is very hard to understand and a mere 11 people in the U.S. can actually speak it.

Very few people speak Bombida but to this day, some still do.

See bombida, language, africa, asia


1. Term used when someone gets completely and utterly dominated to amplify the ownage.

2. Shouted after someone makes a fool out of a (usually) unsuspecting person, preferably a toolbag.

3. Used to noobswho wish they were as awesome as me as to create something as incredible as the bombida.

1. a) "I just one-shottedthat noob with my sulfuras, bombida."

b) "Oh my god, you just spit in that guy's mouth, bombida."

c) "Nigga you got the plague! BOMBIDA!"

2. a)

John: "Your mom is fat."

David: "Your mom had unprotected sex with Michael Jackson."

John: "..."

David: "BOMBIDA!"


Alexor: "You're so black"

William: "Your mom is black"

Mitchell: "BOMBIDA!"

3. "bombida bombida bombida bombida bombida bombida"

See ownage, owned, dominate, rape, noob


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