Bone Out

What is Bone Out?


To leave

Hey man I'm fixin to bone out.


to leave, get out. similar to that of "peace out"

"ayeee, you gonna bone out soon?"

"yeah man"

"lets bone out"

See peace out, bone, out, lets go, im out


to bone out means to leave

just in case a few niggas try to trip

bone out, put on my ski-mask

and come back blastin


a word meaning to leave somewhere. It comes from pulling a boner from a vagina

hey bro, im gonna bone out noew. se ya

See leave, left, gone, bored, late


1) to pull out your penis from a girl's vagina, because you found out that she has STD/AIDS.

2) to escape from trouble

1. ex) Holy crap she has AIDS! Bone out! bone out!

2. ex) Oh shi* the cops are here! Quickly bone out!

See escape, run, flee, hide, stay


to run away, especially from the police or after doing something wrong

we had to bone out as soon as the cops showed up

See run away, bone out, scatter, flee, scram


what you do when the rubber tears

last night i had to bone out, when the cheap circle coin broke


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