
What is Boni?


Boni is a beautiful, wonderful, talented girl...first white gurl wit a black gurl ass.. only default she sont kno shes beautiful.

Damn Boni u lookin good!

See Axl


The plural of bonus.

It originates from other words of a similar structure to 'Bonus' being worded similarly when put into plural format. e.g. Cactus becomes cacti.

"So I get money AND I get a free ride as well? Boni!"

See bonus, excellent, brilliant, fantastic, bummer, shame


the plural form of bonus

Sally's a really good employee and Mr. Peterson seems to really like her. I wouldn't be surprised if over the past couple of years she's recieved many boni.

See bonus, sally, work, casino


One of talent, and beauty. Also pronounced Bonnie. See also paper doll.

She is so boni, it hurts.


A metalhead rocker from bewdley. Irresistable to all members of the female sex. The only living human able to destroy the entire towny populus.

hey boni, i wish i was as heavy as you!

Damn it Boni you rock ass!

-Iz u a goff mate, u av one eyebrow, innit

-yeah smell your mum *offers hand*


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