What is Boo Urns?
Exclamation. A cheer for
Obviously, "boo" and "Boo-urns" are two different and mutually exclusive words.
My, that old dog, Monty Burns has done it again! Boo-urns! Boo-urns, I say!
"Are you saying 'boo' or 'boo-urns'?" - C.M.
Burns ,The Simpsons
PRAISE for something
....NOT the same as "boo"
otherwise that line in the Simpsons doesnt make any sense
"Are they saying boo or boo urns?"
"I was saying boo urns"
It's from that episode of The Simpsons where the audience is booing Mr. Burns. Hans Momans was like: "I was saing boo urns!"
Boo urns means that sucks or boo hoo.
That sucks! Boo urns!