What is Boobies?
The best damn things since peanut butter.
They bounce and jiggle and warm and squishey! Boobies, the most wonderful things of all.
1) Female organs that are:
Okay if small
Better if they protrude
Even better if they bifurcate
Best if they have also have big areola
2) Word that appears on your calculator if you key in 5,318,008 and turn it upside-down.
From age 12 to 13 boys obsess about exclusively over boobies but later diverge to include other parts.
Swimming birds (Sula fiber or S. sula) related to the common gannet, and found in the West Indies, nesting on the bare rocks.
Guy 1: "Check out those boobies!"
Guy 2: "Where?"
Guy 1: "Over there, nesting on the bare rocks of the West Indies!"
Guy 2: "...I hate you."
Round ,squishy, play toys usually found on women but in some strange occurences they are found on men.
Did you see the boobies on that girl?
Haha, that man's boobies are bigger than your mom's!!!
Love Pillows
Im tired, i shall rest my head on your succulent boobies
the things to look at when you're talking to women
I looked at her boobiies while I was talking about her mom,
an extremely hilarious word
Ha ha, boobies!
Tee hee, boobies!