
What is Boobus?


1.Noun: Southern Maine slang for Penis.

2.Adjective: Brat, Idiot, Moron

3ural: Boobuses

1.Ex: "Oh my god! You can see his boobus!"

2.Ex: "You boobus!"

3.Ex: "I like Boobuses."

See retard, brat, idiot, moron


a booboo, bobo, boobz, etc. a small-brained but infinitely loving person.

hehe she's such a boobus i had to just hug her!

See booboo, bobo, boob, boo


Consciously childish variant of boob. 'Boobuses' plural.

Rewind the Tivo! I think I saw a boobus!

I met this girl at the bar the other night, and she totally wanted to show me her boobuses.

See boob, breast, gazonga, knocker, ta-ta, melon, TBP


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