Boomerang Bitch

What is Boomerang Bitch?


a bitch that just won't go away and no matter how many times u tell him/her that u don't fuckin like him/her, he/she will continue to bother u

an ex-girlfriend that acts like a boomerang no matter how many times u throw her away she keeps comming back (can also be an ex-boyfriend)

A random insult that u can call your friends or not-friends

guy 1- man I always talk shit to that dude but he never goes away

guy 2- I know he's a fuckin boomerang bitch

Shawn- I broke up with that boomerang bitch stacy a long ass time ago

Steve- yeah doesn't she still call u?

Zach- hey fag

Roman- fuck u boomerang bitch

Zach- WTF?

See bitch, ass hole, fuck wad, sprung, bugga boo


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