
What is Boon?


The exact opposite of a n00b, not only is it n00b backwards, it means that you are so uber-pro at video games that you will remain a virgin for the entirety of your life.

You simply won't have time to get with girls with all those n00bs to pwn!

Peter was such a BooN at Halo 2 that he never left his room and lived with his mother until he was 73


Noob spelled backwards.

Although it does not mean the opposite of 'Noob', it has to do with the same idea. While a noob is someone lacking experience, therefore tey are rather terrible at whatever it may be, a boon is somebody with experience but for whatever reason, they are just as bad. A boon plays at the skill level of a noob but they do't have an excuse because they have experience in the field they are performing in.

Mike: John, you're such a boon.

John: What are you talking about? I just started playing.

Mike: You've been playing for 2 years and you are still terrible!

See experienced, overrated, terrible, poor



1. An uneducated, lower class negro; worthless <BR><BR>

2. Often used as a derogatory term towards anyone who presents one or more qualities of an uneducated and/or lower class negro.

<I>Matthew picks his nose and scratches his ass at the same time... therefore, he is a boon.</I>

See boone, matt, scratch, uneducated, coon, buck hunter


A derogatory term for a black man.

Look at the state of that dorty fuckin boon.

That boon smells like soil.

Did you pay your boon in handfuls of rice?

See black, coon, nigger, shit-eater


Another word for 'Idiot'

It's common in Texas

"Stevie you are such a Boon."

See idiot, boon, texas, stevie, boone


The word originates from Melbourne in South Eastern Australia. It is used to describe a particuler happening on the foosball table but its usage has been extended to encompass other sports, and even professional activities.

'Booning' describes when a foos player is reading his opposition's play so completely, you might say he's reading it like a a dirty, smutty, sex a Mills & Boon novel!! You're being booned!

Don: You got nothin Ivan

Ivan: Your Momma got nothin Don

Don: I'm booning you man - you're my Mills

See noob, foos, melbourne, cfc


male ejaculatory fluid. Semen.

I just booned all over the place!

See seme, sperm, cum, jizz, creampie, cheese, spunk, splooge


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