
What is Boosa?


BOO sah prefix to the phrase "Boosa bay."

1. an exclamation of excitement or rambunction.

2. a (Pootie Tang) type of jibberish used to create laughter.

3. substitues regular words to create new lyrics of songs or movie quotes

4. can be used by itself when no other word can describe a moment, feeling, or explicative

5. is usually tagged with "bay" to create full blown jibber jabber

Boosa (bay) was created within the pages of the Sirromities. see Sirrom It is the essence of Sirrom's existence.

"Sirrom says, 'Boosa bay!'...And we laugh."

The reason the words "Boosa bay" were used is because it closely resembles the language of Pootie Tang in the movie Pootie Tang

An Example of its usage is in the song "My Love" by JT.

"I can do a little boosa bay, stick it in your face with a hoosa fay. I can do a little boosa, I can stick it in your face like 'oo you amusema.'"

See boosa


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