
What is Booshe?


Someone who might put up a front or appearance to be down or all for what's going on, only to back out from some "random occurence" or "seriously" legit reason.

Bello: Hey Lisey what's going on, are you coming out tonight?

Lisey: Nah sorry I can't my toe hurts and I don't feel like walking

Bello: Come on you've been saying you'd come all week and now you're backing out?

Lisey: Yea my thumb is killing me I can't even move it

Bello: I thought you said it was your toe

Lisey: Yea, I got to go


the act of making a couch. verb form (booshing)

in noun form;(a booshe) a couch

proper noun;(boosher) someone who makes couches

"i love to booshe in my customers living rooms..."

"dude,why are you booshing in my room?!"

See couch, making, occupation, furniture, will


To get large or macking air on a sandboard, snowboard, surfboard or skateboard.

"I Just got a sick air off that jump."

"Did it Booshe?"

"Yes, yes it did."

See booshe, air, fly, macking, sand, surf, snow


To be struck,jabed,skined,stabed,brushed by the male sex organ.

Paulina was booshe severly and ruthlessly in a devious manner.


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