
What is Boosty?


noun: generally it is defined as a person that tries too hard to gain the approval of others. For instance, if they are of the female gender they are a hoe or a skeezeand if of the male gender they are a toolor a chatch.

1. That boosty was sweating my nuts.

2. Man, fuck that boosty

See chickenhead, poser, fool, vag, tool box


something dumb or stupid

The party last night was hella boosty. Everyone left hella fuckin early.


The fat that hangs over a fat woman's vagina. You can usually find a boosty on a 250+ pounder. Most boosties are formed from eating too much McDonalds hamburgers. The African American boosty is usually formed from eating too much chicken wings, hotdogs & various other grilled meat products. The quickest way to get a boosty is to eat a lot of bologna sandwiches. The boosty is also used by the man during sexual intercourse for satisfying penis pleasure. During the sexual intercourse with the boosty, the woman can experience a strange type of orgasim if the boosty is pounded hard enough. Lesbians also engage in boosty sex by fingering each others boosties. The name for a boosty fart is a "tramabomb".

Anorexic Jenny: No thanks, no bologna patties for me today, I don't want to get a boosty.

Pig Patty: Can I have yours then? My brother really likes to fuck my boosty.

Anorexic Jenny: In that case, you sure can, Pig Patty! :)

I can't wait to pound that chunk of boosty tonight, Freddy.

Man, check out Rosie O'Donnell, she has a massive boosty!

I was sittin' in class just chillin'...all a sudden I heards a loud tramabomb! Mayne, what dat boosty bitch been eatin?!

See vagina, fat, hangs, queef, sexual, mcdonalds, pleasure


the greek equilevent of the word fag or prick

boosty is the greek word for prick or fag

See greek, gay, queer, fag, prick


A name for a Boost Mobile phone.

Brah, I just got my boosty brah

See clacker, boost mobile, i710


Characteristic in hyper peeps

Damn nigga, chill. Gettin' boosty up innis muva


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