
What is Bootleg?


Normally, "bootleg" refers to goods illegally sold and distributed, without proper taxation, and at a loss to the original manufacturer of the goods. This can apply to anything, from booze to cigarettes to designer jeans, etc, as long as it is sold and distributed by other than legal means. Today the term is primarily used to describe stolen audio/video recordings that are illegally sold and distributed on the Internet.

I know all about counterfeiting, pirating and bootlegging because I sell bootleg CDs and other material on the Internet. Give me a call if you need anything.


A pirated copy of something.

Not always guaranteed to be reliable because, of course, it isn't the original.

Ahhh, I remember those great nights where I used to get BOOTLEG copies of music on Napster :3


The opposite of Legit

Cole W is pretty much the most bootleg person on earth

See cole, legit, wilson, the


Bootleg recording

A bootleg recording is a audio or video recording of a performance that was not officially released by the artist or under other legal authority. A great many such recordings are simply copied and traded among fans of the artist without financial exchange, but some bootleggers are able to sell these rarities for profit, sometimes by adding professional-quality sound engineering and packaging to the raw material.

One of many great bootlegs from Metallica is Toronto '86 ...

See bootleg, metallica


Although the real word means pirated music/software and illegal alcohol, the slang term means wrong, broken, fake, or bullshit

Person 1: "Hey, the teacher gave me detention for no reason!"

Person 2: "Man that's bootleg!"

See bootleg, bullshit, bull, fake, wrong, broken


n. an unofficial recording of a concert

This term originated with smugglers and thieves who would hide things in the leg of their boots. It evolved to mean a pirated version of something. Some liberal bands such as the Grateful Dead, and more recently Phish and Pearl Jam allow fans to record their concerts, and distibute these recordings freely as long as they are not sold. Fans refer to such recordings as "bootlegs", even though they are legal.

Hey man, I got this funky Phish bootleg from Roseland, hook me up with that Europe '72 Dead show and I'll burn you a copy.


A describing word for something that sux or is bad.

Also can be used as "Boot-legger" to describe a slacker.

This shit is bootleg, maan! Lets get up outta herre


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