Booty Bump

What is Booty Bump?


A hit of tweak, blow, or other drug taken rectally

After asking me to give her a booty bump, I wondered whether our ensuing intercourse would lead to some second-hand benefit for myself as well.


Inserting foreign substances inside your rectum for the purpose of absorbing the active ingredients into ones body. using vasoline or another lubricant to coat the outer edge of the rectum in an attempt to soothe the experience is common.

"dude, where are those rolls?" "ahh man, i just booty bumped 'em, why, did you want some?"


When you administer a drug intramuscularly through the gluteus maximus muscle also known as the buttox.

I just booty bumped my girlfriend with some ketamine.

See slam, shoot, plung, tranq


When one person purposely bumps another persons booty with their own booty.

I am going to give you a booty bump!


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