Booty Burn

What is Booty Burn?


normally occurs after consumption of spicy food in which the person has a painful burning sensation when defecating. Often requires lotion and/or petroleum jelly on crack of buttocks and outer anus.

Nray: Wow that Thai food was amazing.

Mike: Yea but you better be careful... everyone knows that stuff will give you booty burn


Mike: Hey, what you up to tonight? Lets go grab some beers.

Ray: Nah, I've got the booty burn. I had 3 burritos covered in salsa.


Jr.: Why are you walking funny?

Mike: I ate Mexican food last night and got the booty burn. Got any vaseline?

Jr: Yes and we could use that vaseline in another way too

Mike: Uh... I'm going home now

See shits, burn, mexican food, thai food, defecating, the shits


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