
What is Bootydom?


Bootydom is a level of a "relationship" where there is access to booty. Bootydom can be a term used for anyone who has been promoted from "friend" to "bootycall" Bootydom is used in cases of explaning the relational status. Bootydom is not used for one night stands, or people whose name and phone number you don't know. It is instead a state of being.

ex. Sara says to Jane "I'm not sure if David and I have reached bootydom yet, but we may be getting there tonight!"


ex. Mary says to Adam "my booty is leaving tomorrow at 9pm to Seatle and I don't exactly have a new one lined up

nor do I plan on promoting anyone to bootydom anytime soon"

See booty, bootycall, fuck buddy, friend with benefits, sex partner


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