
What is Borange?


1.Borange adj.

Borange is your friend when you need a word for bad post-haste but would rather not use the word bad.

Oooh, you smarty-pants, you! What's wrong with bad eh? Too hoity-toity to use a commoner's word now are we?

Derived from Orange. Borange has now unofficially removed the title of 'Refractory Rhyme' from it's colourful, fruity, towny cousin: Orange. Refractory rhymes, or 'rhymeless words' include the word Month and the colours Silverand Purple.

Thanks to Ross Noble and Terry Psiakis of Triple J, the English language now has another synonym for crapshit and that's always good.


2. Borange

There's a guy from Birmingham who has called himself Borange with a liveJournalhere...

3. Borange

It looks like you can buy Borange T-Shirts here...

4. Borange Collector

Does anyone know who or what the "Borange Collector" is? It involves smurfsand disturbing sentences such as: "Fear him! He lives in the KlivingChen, beneath the stairs! His pith and pips lay strewn on the floor..."

"Your sneakers are borange because they have several Kenny G, Cher and/or Barbara Streisand decals plastered onto them, multiple tassells and poxy Country & Western fringing."

"A Clockwork Borange"

Borange also features in a scanned drawing of a movie parody by someone called Jasmine of linuxGrrls.

See her drawing of A Clockwork Borange here...

Jo-Jo and Lindsay Lohan could safely be chucked in the borange-bin of ultra-super-mega-borangeness.

This sentece is borange because I don't understand it. If I could read French, it would not be borange.

Prenez-à une décharge vous voiture orange mais don't viennent près de moi avec cette cravate orange effrayante de cou ou je frapperai du pied sur vous avec mes grandes initialisations frappant du piedes oranges.

Tubas are borange because they are big and noisy and their use is advocated by that Mayor-Pelican-Man off Neighbours. Violins and flutes are not borange.

If you say the word borange enough, people will stare at you.

Mary-Kate and Ashley are actually triplets, according to Limapalooza. It's Mary, Ashley and Kate. They rotate and put the spare one in the closet when they don't need her. Borange is when no one believes this conspiracy.


The colour one becomes when too much fake tan is applied. the controversy often comes when the fake tanned individual believes that they are brown while the viewing audience knows they are ORANGE...

thus, borange is agreed on.

Omg, look at that girl, she is so borange.

If she wasn't so borange i would totally tap that

See brown, borange, borrange


A radio terminology magically appearing in the psyche of Geordie and Terri describing the simultaneous detriment of stuff.

It is now apparent that Big Kev's in a cave full of crystal and bats. That's just borange.

See Jodi


something that rymes with orange

a borange sounds like an orange

See orange, matt, woody


This is one of the greatest words in the english language (I mean aussie language) because of it's possible useage.

Implemented by Ross Noble and carried by everyone thanks to Terrie and Triple J COZ Triple J ROCKS.

Great ~ "This stuff is borange!!!"

Shit ~ "This stuff is borange!!!"


a black moldy orange

Look at that borange!

Look at that moldy orange! No it's an orange!

See orange, vorange, ange


Key word in the hit new song "Borange Submarine

hmmmmm iv only listened to that song once, but it was good. Put the lyrics up somewhere terri, that song needs some public backing!

See Alex


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