
What is Borked?


To have totally fucked something up. Usually by doing something stupid. Specifically used to describe technology that is broken.

Example 1....

Admin: I totally borked my machine installing Win XP SP2.

Example 2....

"I can't come over at the car is borked".


Something is "borked" when it doesn't work correctly or misbehaves, generally due to negligence by the person(s) that are responsible for it.

Etymology: Combine one part "broken" and one part Swedish Chef and you get "borked."

This website is borked.

That mechanic borked your car.

See gfm


The term "Borked" or "Borking" originated with conservative talk show hosts (primarily Rush Limbaugh) to describe someone who is denied something earned simply because they either aren't politically correct enough or aren't trusted - usually without cause. The usage is derived from Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork who though eminently qualified was deemed too "conservative" to serve as a Supreme Court judge.

Harriet Meyers was "borked" by distrustful conservatives. NARAL "borks" any candidate that isn't "pro-choice". Radio stations around the country are "borking" the Dixie Chicks.

See affirmative action, screwed over, prejudice, politically correct, partisan


a refrence to supreme court justice nominee Robert Bork, who was never passed through the senate due to his conservative views. He was nominated by Ronald Raegan. borked means literally to get stuck or screwed.

wow you got totally borked on that history test

See master


In reference to Robert Bork, a nominee to the Supreme Court who, despite being very qualified was not appointed to the court due to partisan reasons.

It has come to mean, essentially, to get fucked over for something you deserve.

Man, I got borked, I've been at this company for 15 years and the new guy got the promotion.

See Drew Steele


1. v. past tense. to have broken something, especially regarding technology.

2. adj. broken.

3. adj. pejorative. people who think that Robert Bork was qualified to sit on the Supreme Court.


1. The Internet connection is broken because I just borked the firewall.

2. The mail server is borked.

3. Rush Limbaugh is clearly borked!

See broken, fubar, republicans, intelligentsia


to get completely screwed out of something for entirely LEGITIMATE reasons.

Judge Robert Bork was Borked out of his Supreme Court nomination because of his idiotic view of 'original intent' being the only correct way to interpret the Constitution. Did you know that according to 'original intent', the Supreme Court was engaging in judicial activism when it ruled against the constitutionality of segregation in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas?

See republicans, democrats, supreme court, senate


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