What is Bo-selector, Bo-selector!?


"Bo" as in very good

"selector" the DJ and/or his/her choice of tune.

the crowd say "bo selector"


As above, mostly used by townie wankers with no lives, while listening to so solid crew, wearing rockport, and drinking white lightening!

Im too 'ard me... bo selecter... p.s. im a cock

See Flange


choosing the best wood for archery

Man goes to archery lesson, first thing first need to choose a bow, have to ask the bo-selector


Expression, used commonly amongst the black community and wannabe's such as Ali-G, said DJ's and Craig David.

Yo, check this MP3 player out! Is the finest of the line, just ripped outta a pink Chevrolet! Bo-Selector!!!! - BO!!!!

See Bruce Lee


word from wanna be sub culture of bling which is based around being egotistical and thinking rhyming two syllable words and longing to live in american slums is a worth while out look on life

I'm bad and dumb innit

See Scott


it can be bad...

it can be good...

or it can be neither...

Oh no, I pissed bed again, BO SELECta...

I just been toilet wi' mi gran, Bo selECTA!!!...

I dont really care, bo selecta...

See Zoolook


Campbell and siroos drinking tea through a straw (kings bar Lydney)

propa bo young un/


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