Boston University

What is Boston University?


one extremely underrated Boston University that has a reputation for cranking out millionaires, billionaires, jet set, Hollywood actors, media giants (eg. Howard Stern, Bill O'Reilly, Geena Davis, Carolyn Bisset, MLK, Jr., Rosie O'Donnell, Jason Alexander, etc.)that surpasses Boston College, is more marketable than Harvard University (job wise since Harvard grads are overqualified to begin with), second to only M.I.T. scholastically, is put down as a slacker, rich snobby stoner shithead school cos bastards who write shit on urbandicitonary are poor shitheads who have nothing better to do cos they are insecure, retarded shitheads who are poor and worthless. BU surpasses BC financially, research wise, academically, socially, has kick ass geniuses for faculty, boasts 4 Nobel Prize winners, has an a$$ kicking hockey team that cranks out future NHL players, and mind you, those eurotrash dudes in their Ferraris, Lamborghinis,Porsches, Mercedes, etc. are brilliant, elite studly man whores who probably bagged your girlfriend or wife and partied with you and all.

so cya, motherfuckers! ;) hehe!

Boston University is one of the choices for genius whiz kids who score a perfect 1600 in their SATs and turned down Harvard University, Yale University, or Princeton University. The only reason that it is lower ranked is that US News & World Report (the retarded version of Time Magazine for people who can't read above a 10th grade reading level, mind you) brainwashes everyone and are jealous of BU) and that the Ancient Eight (Ivy League schools) don't want tehir sorry stick-up-their-ass reps being blown by this one kick ass institution with a great a$$ social life.

if i had my way my first choice would be:

1) BU - genius, rich ass slackersand hottest, snobbiest chicks on the planet

2) M.I.T. - cool ass party genius geeks who party with BU students.

3) Harvard University - the best of the best and still the best of the best three and over centuries counting yet if ya don't get a job right after graduationg from Harvard, then something is sickly wrong! then ya shoulda went to BU or M.I.T.


An establishment that surpasses the achievements of Boston College.

-Hey did you watch BU v. Bc Hockey last night?

-yeah BC's goalie is possibly the ugliest person i have ever seen. fereal

See brendy


Wow, I quit my Catholic education after high school, but I guess it's slightly comforting to know that so many Catholic students continue to be hatemongers even at the university level. There are 16,000 undergraduates at BU, and lest we forget, my children of God, that they come in many different flavors. Sure, there are some who bought their way into BU, but do you really mean to tell me those people don't exist at BC? We know that many of the (slightly overweight) rich girls who attend our school like to show off their camel toe in their (slightly too small) Juicy Couture jumpsuits, but how about scratching below the surface before you stereotype all of us?

Students at Boston University are often stereotyped as rich slackers from wealthy suburbs who bought their way into school, when in fact a sizable portion of them come from lower middle class families and places like rural Pennsylvania and choose BU because of its top rate education, generous financial aid, and tolerance for different personalities and lifestyles.

See boston, university, rich, kids


the prestigious elite university of Boston, Massachusetts.

I went to BU.

Isn't BC better?

no, man! what are you, stupid?

yes, yes I am!


gucci. tweed. diamonds. designer halloween costumes. designer sweatpants. designer camel toes.

I wasn't aware sweatpants that tight existed. I salute you, dolce & gabbana.

See bottlerocket


Private university established for the children of isanely wealthy parents who could not swindle their way into ivy league schools. A haven for coke addicts, future female eating disordered models, paris-hilton wannabes, alcoholics aspiring to obtain a degree in business so they can take over daddy's, and ugly men that could never get laid at a school that didn't have a 7:3 ratio of girls to guys.

Is Boston University better than BC? Of course it is, the students are richer, stupider, and more prone to drug addiction.


A top American university that is consistently in the nations top 50. Beautiful new buildings, top staff, and excellent athletics all around. Unfortunately, BU has decided that instead of academic selectivity(you know based on stupid stuff like grades) they prefer financial barriers. They achieve this through outrageous tuition and terrible to non existent financial aid packages.

Sure there are a few bright bulbs who picked full boats to BU over full price at an Ivy and a couple of choice athletes, but overall BU students are from a very small demographic: New England elite illiterates. The typical BU male works out at the gym for 3 minutes a day and begins/ends every sentence with either a 'bro' or a 'yaw dude.' Your typical female schedules her classes around her Darque Tan appointments for the that month and goes out with one of the aforementioned yah dudes or broskis. These prada and ambercrombie wearing morons crowd onto the B line every day and yammer on their cellphones about that nights lame party in a way that lets everyone on the train know that they are the coolest kid in town. Once you get past the three BU stops the decibel level on the train drops by a factor of ten, a wave of sighs let off, and all the babies on board stop crying. It sux to BU.

BU Student: Yah dude, so I decided to go to Boston University kid.

Me: Oh yeah? Where else did you get into?

BU Student: ...My dad has a yacht.

Me: That's nice.

See university, boston, allston, college, bu


The school for the rich, snobby, and elite kids. They live a life only you could dream about, fuck girls you wish you could talk to, drive cars you'd valet, and party like you never dreamt. Yet, they run billion dollar empires and hire Harvard and MIT graduates.

Guy 1: Hey, do you know that kid from Boston University (BU) that drives the CL500?

Guy 2: Oh yeah, he's a Prince from the Middle - East.

Guy 1: Oh what about his other friend next to him?

Guy 2: Oh that guys Dad is the head of the Cocaine cartel in Columbia.

See snob, bu, boston, college, rich, university


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