What is Bottomfeeder?
A lazy, drunk, pot-smoking loser who can't hold down a job or keep a lady. A bottomfeeder is used to sucking dry everyone he knows for his own benefit. Extremely worthless & non-handy, this person wouldn't know a how to fix his own ass if it were broken. Usually the product of consentual-incest or rape, this person is angry and hostile for the conditions in which he was raised - yet unwilling to pick his fat-ass up to change it. Always unable to admit that his surroundings are fuct and his family are crackheads and simply all-out 'unintelligent inbreds'. 9 times out of 10 his Mother is a controlling cunt who thinks she is God.
Dude, that Duane Alcorn is one hell-of-a Bottomfeeder. What worthless Fuck!
"That bottomfeeder was insisting she was on the guest list and demanded to speak the the band."
an individual who seeks undesirable women. Salute bottomfeeders, they take out the garbage so we dont have to
I might not have the highest standards, but im no bottomfeeder.