
What is Bouldered?


Created by a Cary student; Term used to describe the feeling of being extremely stoned, beyond belief.

Ryan got bouldered before he went to math.


There are 4 words for kinds of hard earth matter: pebbles, rocks, stones, and boulders. correct?

So why always say "I am stoned" when you are so ripped that you can barely function? the word "stoned" is too general

"Hey dude, you ripped right now?"

-"Yeah man, I'm bouldered!"

"Damn, what are you doing?"

-"Uhh. sitting. TV is cool"

See high, boulder, bouldered, stoned, ripped


An act created by a house guest that pays for absolutely nothing.

She only paid for her bus ride down here and bouldered off of us for her entire stay.

See mooch, free-load, cheapskate, broke, strapped


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