
What is Boulos?


Greek.Sounds booh-los. Originally means bird (mpoulos<-poulos<-pouli=bird) but indicates the dick. Commonly used to express disappointment, frustration, hopelessness or as a swear to express the dominance over another person, football team etc.

hopelessness: Malakaan xasoume to treno, 8a paroume to boulo

Malakaif we miss the train we will take the boulo (in this context "we are fucked")

dominance and/or dare: Ere boulo pou 8a paroune simera oi pasokoi!

Oh boulo that PASOK-funs will take today!

Ti boulos itan autos!

What a boulos was that!

See arxidia, kavli, kolos, malakas


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