Bouncing Betty

What is Bouncing Betty?


A type of landmine characterized by its detonation only when pressure that has been placed on it has been released. After release, the mine springs into the air spewing shrapnel in all directions.

The private stepped on the bouncing betty and took out the whole platoon.


antipersonnel mine that springs from the ground, spinning and exploding, after being tripped.

The bouncing betty shredded the soldier who was on point.


ground emplaced mine that shoots into the air before it blows up at head-level for maximum fatality.

that bouncing betty got bobby's head


A booby-trap used by the NVA and VC in the Vietnam war. When a soldier tripped a wire, one of these shot up and exploded his torsoe.

He got taken out by a bouncin' betty.

See hobbes


term used for a tester that is used for testing metalic hardness

a metal ball drops downward and pings the metal to be tested.Thus why its called the bouncing betty

See metallurgy, testing, hrc


A girl named Betty with big (.Y.) Typically wears no bra.

That Bouncing Betty is a hottie!


A sweet-looking gal who hides that she's a natural man-eater. A woman who works relationships and men over, for her own benefit.

Willis: "I'm tellin' you. Watch out for her... she looks nice, but she'll do you in. She's a Bouncing Betty"

Arnold: "Whatchootalkin'bout, Willis?"

Willis: "Boom!"


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