
What is Bourgeoisie?


A wealthy, highly privileged class of modern Capitalists. Typically composed of businessmen and others who derive their income from the labor of others. Known to take pride in affluence, spending heavily on luxuries. Usually conservative and/or opposed to government taxation or other policies that are unfavorable to their profit flow.

See capitalist.

A state of class warfare exists between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

Henry Ford was very bourgeois.


French word which means Middle Class. Mostly used during the French Revolution. Was a legal category in society; defined by incone, social setting, also: nouveau riche.

Karl Marx attacked bourgeois political theory. Demonstrated clearly in The Communist Manefesto.



"Shopkeepers, and self-employed persons would generally be classified as bourgeoisie."

See middle-class, france, marxism, french


People with money. Live in the suburbs or in nice downtown condos.

I had to quit dating that bourgeoisie chick, I couldn't afford it.

That bourgeoisie kid in class just got a new BMW.

See whiting, delta, carting, indiana, region, sex, class, chicago


The word is actually bourgeoisie, not "bushwazee" and is a French word used to describe someone in the upper class or upper middle class.

"Music makes the people come together.

Music mix the bourgeoisie and the rebels"

-Madonna's "Music" lyrics

See bourgeoisie, music


Another word for 'new money'. The real bourgeoisie were more middle class than new money, but the divide that separated the serfs from the bourgeoisie, nobility, clergy and royals was very large.

In pre-revolutionary France, the bourgeoisie were the lawyers and accountants, working for the aristocracy, clergy and monarch.

See kung-fu jesus


A class of wealthy Capitalists. Many of those within the bourgeoisie are convinced that they are better than people who differ from them, which is bullshit because no-one is better than anyone else.

If you think you are better than other people just because you have wealth, you do not deserve that wealth whatsoever and I hope you lose it for being so arrogant. You make other people feel bad, and the majority of homeless people actually deserve what you have because they are less horrible than you.


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