Bout 10

What is Bout 10?


It's something you say when another person asks you a question reguarding the amount of length/volume/area/time/difficulty/

temperature/annoyance of something. Keep saying it to piss someone off majorly.

Dean: Dude, check out that chick over there how hot is she !!!

Chris: bout 10

David: So if i calculate the length and divide it by a factor of 35643 that is either a factor of 4 or 7 i will get the answer, any estimations?

Chris: bout 10

Ben: It's getting kinda late what time is that thing on TV ?

Chris: bout 10

Ben: No seriously how long do we have

Chris: bout 10 hours


used as a distance of measure


lets jus walk home....... aww wot its bout 10!


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