
What is Boutique?



(Bü-'tEk) n, adj.

1. n. A small retail store offering specialized goods and services. Etymology, French word for shop

2. n. In musical instruments, a specialized brand of very high end, usually handmade items made in small numbers. Generally a term applied to brands like… Guitar amps like Matchless, Diezel, Trainwreck, Wizard, etc. Basses like Status Buzzard, Ken Smith, Tobias, etc. Guitars like Pensa, Manson, Rick Turner, Alembic, etc.

Odds are, many albums you listen to are recorded on brands you've never heard of, except maybe Yamaha, Sony, JBL, and Panasonic.

1. Lets check out that little boutique in the mall.

2. I love vintage amps, but Boutique are a close second.

See professional, expensive


while screwing a girl from behind,you put some flowers in her butt.and thats a boutique

last night i gave your mom some roses in the boutique,smelled fuckin awesome

See sex, anal, flowers, roses, well


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