
What is Bovenizer?


A bovenizer is a unit of measurement used by the majority of irish people worldwide, although when asked about it by a non-Irish person (a stadín), they will most often deny its existence.

The word bovenizer stems from a figure in Irish Myths and legend: Fálor Bovenizer. Fálor was a giant of a man who travelled with the great Irish hero : An mac tira. On one of their travels they came upon a large tear in the earths suface.

Bovenizer stretcheed across the span and allowed An mac tira's company to cross by walking along his back. The width of the span became a mesurement used by the people of Ireland.

Jim: "reckon you could make that jump?"

Dyl: "I dunno, it looks about one and a half bovenizers, thats kinda big"

Tour guide: Grafton street is over two hundred imperial bovenizers long

See folklore, bovenizer, cliff, bridge


One who gets all up in ones face in an overly agitated manner, while hitting or poking the person they are speaking to followed by a random outburst of Octoboving.

Did you see the Bovi doing the Bovinizer while talking to her dance friends?

See Alex


A mindless, sad or retarded person.

That person is a real Bovenizer

See Dan


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