
What is Bowchickawowwow?


A vocalization of a generic porno movie music score.

Guy 1: What dop you think of the new girl?

Guy 2: BowChickaWowWow!


A sound one makes to foretell ensuing sexual action. It is the imitation of typical porn music. This onomatopia was the original, before Axe used it in their commercials.

"Laura is coming over for a movie tonight.... ba dump, bowchickawowwow..."

See porn, porn music, sex, groove, pound, date, make love, hump


An imitation of pr0nsound tracks, see also BOWCHICKABOWBOW

Talking through your nose, simply imitate a springy bass guitar and say BOW, to rhyme with "wow", then a quick CHICKuh, followed up with two quick BOW's, all while doing a bob and weave disco grind and you've got it....

Q: So after that....?

A: Totally BowChickaWowWow, my friend...

See bowchickabowbow, bowchicabowwow, sex, porn


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