What is Boy Love?
The common slang phrase for a romantic relationship between two underaged males. Although most commonly used to describe two teens in love, it also applies to adolescents, and preteens. (Although many particularly homophobic people claim that such relationships between young males don't exist.)
Mandy: "Look over there at those two boy lovers..."
Jane: "Oh come on, you don't seriously think they're in love do you?"
Mandy: "Well, duh. Look at the way they're cuddling!"
Slang term for gay teenagers.
Stories about boy love.. a.k.a
when band members on stage at a concert show affection as to illustrate a part of the song they are singing
well.. one time at 'the killers' concert, brandon showed boy love by wraping his arms around mark and stroking his face..
a lot of bands do it if you pay attention