Boys Town

What is Boys Town?


a place for juvenile delinquents to go, if the state places them there or if their parents are mad rich. they serve a wide variety of teenagers of all ethnicities, using a catholic/christian curriculum in school and psychological "teaching model" in the homes.

the homes are comfortable, with a max of eight youth to a house. in charge of each house are a family teaching couple and an assistant family teacher, which is a fancy way of saying foster parents and an assistant.

it's a good place. without it, i'd still be drunk and/or on coke, lsd, and robitussinall the time, probably unemployed, and maybe homeless.

the kid stole a car and sold it to buy weed, and got arrested for it. so instead of sending him to jail, his probation officer got him referred to boys town. two years later, he was sober and ready to go into the real world and make something of himself. boys town rules...

See rehab, group home, hope, freedom


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