Brahing It Up

What is Brahing It Up?


1 prepositional phrase. {Brah it up} in generally requires two or more people of the same sex doing something outside of the normal activites of the day. For one to be brahing it up one must be doing something to bring pleasure and enjoyment(in a non-homosexual way)

2 (more or less Adj). Brahing it up is to be having a party with people of the same gender (usualy males) in which friends get together and do things they enjoy. During the brahing it it is common place to call people of the opposite sex (hoes) to come brah it up as well.

Def. 1 Me and a couple dudes are going to brah it up, wanna come?

Def. 2 Me and the brahs are going to be brahing it up saturday, the more brahs brahing it up the better. we got some brahettes coming to so see u there?


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