
What is Braj?


Derived from the italian word "Bragiole", meaning "big-ass sausage", Braj can be used in place of any other word and it will make sense. Tony often says this in the hallways in the schools of Eastchester and causes massive laughter. Also can be used as a greeting in place of "Wat's poppin G" or "Yo sup". OFten used in classical literature AND gangsta rap. Mostly used in place of "penis", although using it in other places is still equally as amusing.

"Yo Iris, i need a braj right now"


"Look at my big braj"

"Your party was off the braj sam"

"Crap, I got another braj on the math test"

"Samantha has a loose braj"

"Iris has so many STDs, shes so braj"

"Ray and Sam are so braj"


"After drinking at matts house, his sister actually seemed kinda braj"

"Fat people can't even see their own Bragioles"

"It took me so braj to clean up mah crib after it got trashed"

"Yo, shes looking so braj in that outfit. Braj Yo"


"I'm going to take my braj now"

"Yo man, take a shower you smell like braj"

"Johnny Boom Batz has a small braj. He's also mexican"

"Yo, Jason just showed Iris his braj!!, I heard she loved it"

"When I saw Iris, my braj went limp"

"Yo you got any more braj in your dad's freezer?"

"Help me smoke that braj, I can't do it on my own!"

"Don't do drugs. Braj."


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