
What is Bram?


Unit of measurement for n00bs

The average n00b weighs approximately 10 brams

See n00b, noob, gay, fag, cocksucker, anal, queer, homo, bitch, bender


A term invented by D Akkus, who connected the words 'bruv' and 'fam' because he could not find a strong enough word to describe his associates.

D Akkus: 'Hey bram whats up?'

Ulique: 'Alright bram. Yourself?'

See fam, bruv, bredrin, homie


An insulting acronym; It stands for "Bogus Retard Ass Muncher"

1: You Bram!

2: I'll kick you right in the Braming mouth

See bram, bogus, retard, ass, muncher


Unit of measurement for Noobs

1. That loser Berkoshits is 8.5 brams on the Noober scale

2. Anyone who weighs more than one bram should should just give the world a break and shoot a noob tube at themselves.

See noob, n00b, gay, bitch, female, cocksucker


Dissed; Insulted; Ignored

"Oh! You just got bram!"

See bram, insult, diss, joke


1. A term meaning a bad cuss, in which you have juts dissed the person back, implying that the other person is wrong.

Oh bram you mofo, I'm right!


to do something so stupid you hit your own head in disgrace. Usually has a bad consiquence, and is sometimes followed by an "OH SHIT ME"

abe just pulled the BIGGEST bram ever!

See bram, abe, idiot, stupid, dumb


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