
What is Brash?


cool. awesome. you know, the usual.

cool kid: "youre pretty brash."

other cool kid: "thanks."

l00zurr kid: "that scene kids pretty brash."

cool kid: go kill yourself.

See cool, awesome, sweet, dank, dope, tight


A synonym for words relating to cool such as tight, chill, fresh, sweet, shibby, awesome, stupid, dope, off the hook, hot, gangsta, beastly, etc.

Usually used to describe a very cool thing.

Dude that party last night was brash!

What did you do last night?

Did my girlfriend.

Thats brash, way to be dude.

See cool, tight, chill, fresh, sweet, shibby, awesome, off the hook, off the chain, gangsta, gangster, beastly, beast, nice, amazing, bad, ugly, hot, stupid, dope, gay, homo, fag


shortened form of butt rash

Her brash from the poison ivy was causing her discomfort during sleep.

See itchy, rash, red, scratch


Shortened from of B-Rash in refrence to Brian Davis.

Brash is addicted to Harry Potter thanks to Nate and Ramsey.


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