
What is Brass?


in a section of west london, this means bad, useless, crap

"That film was BRASS" or "you are BRASS at tennis"

See Jimmeh


A prostitute,from the cockney slang BRASS NAIL,meaning TAIL,tail being a slang name for a prostitute

i need a shag,might go and get myself a Brass


*Ammunition casing.

*British terminology referring to negative quality.

*Another term for "money".

*Synonym for "shoot", used often by Australian military terminology.

*Powerful military commanders who, for example, call certain shots.

MOM : "Don't forget to pick up the brass when you're done shooting your Garand, OK?"

ME : "Whatever. Not like we have a reloading kit or something..."

LIMEY : "That bitch was brass mate!"

DRUG-DEALER : "No brass, no deal. Now get outta here."

AUSSIE : "Ah'll brass that bitch up mate!"

LIEUTENANT : "The operation was a success!"

COLONEL : "I noticed. I'm gonna bring it up with the Brass later on. Hope they accept the results know how nervous and picky the Brass can be."

See Dave


1)A word meaning bad/crap/shite

2)A word used to chow displeasure

1) You're brass at that game you bitch

2) "It costs £100000" "BRASS!"


The boss.


A military commander who has a lot of medals. Or just medals and awards.

The brass is in town, shape up.

That boy got some brass balls.

Look at the brass on him.

See MK


Adjective which causes its subject noun to be looked on in an unfavourable light, to say something is bad

Emile Heskey is brass

See steve


A word to mean something/someone is bad. An adjective or an exclamation.

Pronounced with a short 'a' sound, like 'gas' or 'sassy'.

The opposite of nang.

I only have enough draw for one more joint. Brass!

This club is so brass. Let's leave.

See crap, shit, poor, lame, nang


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