What is Brats?
Someone who was born and raised in the
local Brats looking in total bewilderment as
UK drunken yobs,strippin off and jumping into city fountains singing,
"Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves,
Britons never never will be slaves"
Little snob kids or kids that are anoyying and stupid.
Brat: "na na na na na :P".
Baby Sitter: "Come here you little brat!!".
Rich Brat: "I am going to tell my daddy that you won't let me play with your cellphone!".
Nana: "Shut up you little brat!!".
grown adult who acts and looks like a 12 year old.
minhye is such a brat.
she always says "i so cute".
Tiny mostly weak rich kids that has a lot of money but mostly just get´s robbeb of them.
A brat can never, under no circumstances be "hard as stone".
Shut it you brat!