
What is Breezertaal?


Dutch slang referring to the usual chav/script-kiddie style of writing over IRC or MSN in distorted upper/lower-case (e.g., "cHeCK iT oUt i cAnT uSE a kEyBoARD cuz iM kOoL"). While the word is generally used in Holland, the actual writing "style" is to be encountered by IM-users anywhere around the world... generally because mindless chevs or ditzy 14-year old girls think it's "cool" to write sentences that make a reader's eyes bleed.

MSN user name #1: "iF yOU wAnT mE, cOMe aND gEt mE"

MSN user name #2: "i lUV jArED hes mY bOYfrIEND"

Insane Dutch reader: "Man, that's IT! I can't take anymore of this Breezertaal!"


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