
What is Brentford?


The coolest place ever, apart from some people who like to be known as 'townies'. If you want to get drugs, check out the local library in the evening.

If you want to get the shit beaten out of you, check out the estate - full of arseholes!

Most shops sell alcohol to under age people, the kebab shop is full of pervets, and the mcdonals - dirty buggers that spit in your food!

Go to holly house if you fancy hanging out with 'not-so-cool' people of brentford.

Pretty lame place, and the canal is exactly how you imagine it - crap!!

Shithole of the century was awarded to the townies of brentford


one of the few clubs in England where the drunks and chavs outnumber the actual supporters in their home ground.

"if you still hate Brentford clap your hands..."

still sung at the Craven Cottage, even though Brentford are two divisions below Fulham!


Site of the largest Burberry shopping complex in christendom, offering everything from burberry nappies to burberry knuckle-dusters.

Largely to blame for the amout of pikeys roaming the area.

(you): I'm off to Brentford to do some shopping.

(me): Fuck of you pikey scum.

See Padders


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